
Matthew Goldenberg, DO (Founder)

Adult Psychiatry in Santa Monica, CA

Matthew  Goldenberg, DO

Dr. Matthew Goldenberg founded Mental Health and Wellness Associates to help increase access to high quality mental healthcare in California. Dr. Goldenberg found that patients seeking psychiatry and therapy often faced long wait times, full practices, and other barriers to getting the help that they need. He founded Mental Health and Wellness Associates to help make finding care easier. 

Dr. Goldenberg is a mental health and substance abuse expert. He is double board certified in general and addiction psychiatry. Accordingly, he has assembled a team of highly trained, highly experienced clinicians that use evidence-based and individualized treatment plans to support their patients’ unique needs and goals. 

At Mental Health and Wellness Associates your journey to improved mental health and wellness begins with a brief and free phone call. Our practice manager will walk you through the ins and outs of being a new patient and will begin the process of determining which treatment provider(s) may be the best fit for you. You can book a time to speak with our practice manager above (click on “book online”). 

The goal at Mental Health and Wellness Associates is to fully empower patients to reach their goals and to thrive.  If you have PPO insurance, we are happy to provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement for “out of network” benefits. We have chosen not to be in-network with any insurance plans because this allows you and your doctors and therapists to determine the most ideal care, intensity, duration and frequency for you, without any interference outside forces. You can learn more about insurance here.